A grain-free diet is the best option for sensitive dogs. Happy Dog Mini Canada was developed specifically for small-breed adult dogs
34.00 EUR
Our super premium complete food Happy Dog Mini France will pamper your pooch withhearty duck and delicate potatoes.
10.00 EUR
Complete nutrition for all adult dogs with normal energy requirements.
45.00 EUR
Täissööt täiskasvanud koertele Koerte lemmik veiselihaga.
50.00 EUR
Complete dry food for adult dogs of all small breeds whose weight does not exceed 10 kg. Slightly overweight or for weight maintenance. Food with low fat content.
10.00 EUR
Happy Dog fit & vital Mini Puppy
10.00 EUR
Happy Dog Supreme Giant Junior - juunioride suurt tõugu alates 6 kuud kuni 18 kuud.
75.00 EUR
With its delicate and exclusive recipe made from horsemeat and potatoes, the Happy Dog Mini Montana super premium complete food is not only ideal for little gourmets or sensitive dogs with delicate tummies
12.00 EUR
Vegetarian composition with rice, peas and turmeric for mid-sized and large breed dogs.
8.00 EUR
Kana kurkumiga teie väikesele gurmaanile
12.00 EUR
Kana forelli ja vetikatega teie väikesele gurmaanile
13.00 EUR
Täiskasvanud koertele kõrge energiavajadusega.
59.00 EUR